In my last blog regarding the ARSENIC LULLABY The Devil's Only Friend Kickstarter I emphasized that it only took $10 to back this project and get a book (where most of the Kickstarter projects make you ante up $25 for a 24 page floppy). I thought everyone reading this blog and two of their friends should get in at this level. I've changed my mind on this.
I still think you and two of your friends should back this project, but go the little extra and get in at the $15 level. You're asking yourself why I changed my stance on this. What difference does it make which cover you get and why pay the $5 more for the "exclusive" cover. Well, here's my reasoning. WHEN the kickstarter hits $13,000 stretch goal (just $1433 away, as of this writing) everyone that passed on that one hackneyed comic from the 'big two' and went for the $15 pledge is going to get a HARDCOVER book. Those that only pledge at the $10 level so they could keep their run of "Banal-Man" complete will only get the softcover (but equally enjoyable on the inside).
With a little under 2 days left we only need 95 backers at the $15 level to get a nice hardcover edition to sit on the shelf. Doesn't your bookshelf deserve that after all it's done for you?
In my last blog i also brought up the READING RAINBOW kickstarter (no link provided, find it for yourself). I find it very curious that Seth MacFarlane backed that kickstarter but has steered well clear of the ARSENIC LULLABY project. You have to ask yourself why a man so revered as a comedic icon won't go near ARSENIC LULLABY. My guess is he is intimidated.